What IS KonMari’ing and how is it different from traditional organizing?

The KonMari Method® is Marie Kondo’s trademark method of choosing what sparks joy and letting go of the rest. It INCLUDES organizing but is so much more than that. The KonMari Method® is different from other methods of organizing in 3 main ways:

  1. Whereas in traditional organizing, people go out and buy a lot of containers or organizers to organize what they currently have; the KonMari Method® has 2 steps: discard (first), then organize.

  2. In traditional organizing, you go room by room, which can be frustrating because you can find multiple copies of things in each room, and not remember where everything is. In the KonMari Method®, we organize category by category, and you bring ALL the things in that category to the same place to go through together. There are 5 categories and we go through them in a particular order, ensuring we touch everything in the home. 

  3. In the KonMari Method®, we use JOY as the filter. The KonMari Method® helps us get in touch with our hearts and intuition, and use that as a guide to create a home that brings you joy. 

When we organize without doing the discard first, and use joy as a guide, we haven’t done the hard inner work of really asking what we even want to keep in our lives. So, we don’t let go of anything. We just add more. Then we buy more containers and need complicated organizational systems, and more time organizing, because there is a lot more to organize!

But when we follow Marie Kondo’s structured method and our own intuition as a guide, it brings so many magical benefits we can’t even imagine. Hence, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It’s really not about tidying, it’s about changing our lives.

What REALLY matters when it comes down to it? 

The NEW Essentialism in the Era of COVID-19